Friday, October 7, 2011

Making do with less "stuff"

As I mentioned in my last post, while camping at the lake I realized I can probably make do with alot less stuff. Recently we have decluttered and reorganized a couple rooms in our home and it made me realize how much easier it is to keep those rooms picked up and clean- because they have less stuff. So I am on a mission over the next week or so to see how much I can declutter from my home. My plan is to box up alot of the things that I always think I need, but seldom use and then store them in my new shed. After a few months I will evaluate what I actually missed and would have used and what was just taking up room. I will try to update you with my progress as I go and with the results after a few months. I know my bedroom and my kitchen definitely need some decluttering. Anyone else been decluttering lately, if so, let me know how it is going for you. If you haven't been, but think you need to, then jump in with me for the next few weeks and let's simplify our lives a little with less clutter.

Blessings to each of you,

*edited to add that I will be offline for a few days. Please feel free to comment anyway as I would love to read them when I get back online. I also have some posts scheduled for while I am away. Blessings!


  1. The older I become the more I feel like I can do without. Decluttering in abundance going on in my home. The trick is to not refill the space. I'm working on that one!


  2. A good post, Rashel,. We are decluttering as well. It is an on-going process, but it's a wonderful feeling after getting a room organized! :)

  3. Just this morning the kids wanted to have a small yard sale. I get sentimentally attached to their things because they hold so many memories. I let them though and it got out a few things that they never used.

  4. We just moved last weekend. We actually moved to a much bigger place. However, as I was packing I got rid of a TON of stuff. There were things that I thought I needed, but realized I had no used in years. I gave a way clothes, books, old toys, old knick knacks, and a lot of kitchen stuff. I realized I had collected a lot of kitchen stuff that I was convinced I would need, but never used. Even with all that decluttering as I am unpacking in the new house, I am finding that I am still getting rid of stuff! I will pull it out of the box and wonder why I even brought it with me! I have enough pots and pans to cook for my family. I kept some plastic plates for the kids and then my good dishes. I have some tupperware, but not a lot. Anything that didn't have lids and stuff I got rid of. I have strategically decorated the new place and anything that doesn't fit is going into a box to be given away. It's a work in progress, but I already feel so much lighter!! And it's funny but without all that "stuff" around, the kids seem happier and more at ease as well.
