Monday, February 28, 2011


Just checking in. We are at the library, so I'm able to get online. We came last week but I had forgotten it was President's day, therefore, the library was closed :( We try to save gas by limiting our trips to town and that was our one trip for that week. Every Monday we come to town to go to the library for books and then go by our milk supplier on the way home and pick up two gallons of raw milk! Yum Yum!! Some weeks we make more than one trip, especially on grocery week but I try very hard to limit them.
Thanks for the sweet comments on my last post! We are looking into getting our own internet supply at home, but with dh's work schedule, it's hard to get anywhere when they are open and check it out. Last week we planned to go but on his day off it rained all day. So, instead we stayed in and had a nice relaxing day on the couch watching movies!
I should be able to get back online in a couple days at a friend's house. I hope you are all doing well and living in accordance with God's will in your lives.



  1. Speaking of Presidents day. I went to the store on Presidents day and thought to myself, "what in the world are all these rugrats running around for? Shouldn't they be in school?!" I know that sounds awful since I'm a mom of a handful and anti-public school and stuff. I really don't like going out dealing with other people's kids misbehaviour.

    Anyway, in the store I asked my kids, "What's the deal with all the kids today?" My oldest reminded me, "Mom, you don't remember? It's President's day!"

    I'm so jealous that you have a local raw milk supplier. Our nearest supplier of raw milk is 17 miles away. :(

  2. Elizabeth, I know what you mean, I prefer going when the stores aren't so crowded too! I do feel very lucky to have a local supplier and they only charge $3 a gallon!! They are really sweet people. When I first started getting raw milk the supplier was about 20 miles away and charged $5 a gallon. It wasn't even on my way anywhere, just an extra trip. So, I couldn't do that very long. I was blessed to find a closer and cheaper family.
