
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Amaretto GGMS


You have GOT to try this!

Like right now!!

Okay, I'll give you a little history and then the recipe - but then you just have to go make it and tell me if you love it as much as me.

I haven't drank alcohol much in years, but yeah, I used to drink occasionally. We just choose not to now for personal reasons. However, one of my favorite drinks was amaretto sour and I have been CRAVING it lately. I have absolutely no idea why, because like I said, it's been years since I've had one. 

So I went on a mission to create an amaretto GGMS 
(good girl moonshine - a THM drink).

Oh yes, I did!

I won't make you wait any longer. Here it is:

I made a single serving size so I could enjoy it as a special treat, like you would an alcoholic drink. (But then it was so good I made another one!)

8oz water
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/4 tsp ginger
2 doonks pure stevia
1 tsp almond flavoring
1/4 tsp lime juice
1/4 tsp lemon juice
1/8 tsp cherry flavoring

Stir well and then pour over ice and enjoy! 

I added two frozen cherries just for fun!

Adjust any flavorings and sweetener to your taste, own it!

I hope you love it as much as I do!


See my fuzzy navel GGMS here.


  1. What form of ginger do you use? Ground? Fresh?

  2. That looks amazingly delicious!

  3. Summer, I use ground, it is just much easier for me.

    Thanks Debbie, I hope you enjoy it if you try it.

    Thank you both for stopping by!

  4. This sounds amazing! Amaretto sour was my fave too! I'll have to try this! I'm assuming I can still make my quart and it's an all day sipper?

  5. I just made this for the first time, and all I can say is WOW!! I scaled it up to make a gallon mason jar I keep in the fridge. I also used homemade ginger juice because I hate the grittiness of the powder. It's the first time I've liked a GGMS. Thanks for a great recipe!

    1. Renee, I am so glad you like it! That is an awesome idea to make up a gallon at a time, what a time saver. Thank you for taking the time to let me know.

    2. How do you make ginger juice?

    3. Trola, I'm hoping Renee sees this and answers you, because I've never made ginger juice, so I really don't know. I would just have to google it.
