Monday, March 11, 2013

My priorities are straight

 Since I haven't been posting much lately, I just wanted to take a minute and let you know I am doing well, as is my family.  My blog isn't the only place I have been MIA, I haven't been online much at all lately. It just isn't my priority right now. I am so thankful that God has helped me to get my priorities straight. I know for many of you that blogging or reading blogs isn't really an issue and I am so thankful for that, but for me it was. I would think I was just going to sit down and write a quick post or read just a few blogs, but it inevitably turned into hours on the computer. Those were hours I should have been taking care of my home and family. Oh, I always had the excuse in the back of my mind that I was learning important things I could do around my own home or being encouraged by someone in my faith, and while that might have been true, it was still wrong. I was spending all the time reading about new skills instead of doing those skills, or reading about being a Proverbs 31 woman instead of just being one.
  I know that I have written about this before and I could link to those other posts so you could read more about it, but I don't want to be your reason for spending too much time online. So my advice, turn off your internet and go DO something. You know what needs done, a game played with a little one, some towels folded that are piled on your couch or maybe you need to start supper. Whatever is waiting for you, go do it. Then when all else is done, you can get a cup of coffee, get back online and read a FEW blogs, but please don't let the blog world keep you from what is really important, the real world.

Blessings my friends,


  1. Good for you, Rashel! I recently posted about "blogging without obligation", where I explained how the Lord has shown me that although I can encourage younger women with my blog (and be encouraged by other blogs), ministering to my family comes first. So I have decided that I will blog only when prompted by the Lord to share something. And I will "visit" occasionally, when time permits. :)
    Many blessings to you, my friend,

  2. Yes, ma'am! Going to go fold those socks right now! Thank you for the encouragement.
