Friday, May 20, 2011

ABC's of a Godly Home - Day P

Day P - Passion and Pick

Spiritual Challenge Day P - Passion. Today I want you to spend some time in prayer and ask God to help you renew your passion for God and your family. I know sometimes I can get so caught up in the daily grind that my focus gets off. I forget that my passion is to be on God first and then my family, not my daily chores or my laundry or my dirty dishes or on and on... So today, just take some time to renew your passion for what is truly important.

Physical Challenge Day P - Pick. Your physical challenge today is to pick one room in your home and spend at least 15 minutes cleaning it. You can pick your worst room or you can pick the room that is most noticeable in your home; it's your choice so whatever room you want to work in is fine. Then grab a timer, set it for 15 minutes and get busy. Don't obsess about this, just get your timer and get to work. If all you have time for is 15 minutes then great! But, if you have time to do a little more than all the better. Remember though, this is not a thorough spring cleaning and I don't want you to pull everything out and go from corner to corner. I just want you to pick a room that needs some attention and work on it for at least 15 minutes. Ok, that's it so go get your timer!

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