Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ABC's of a Godly Home - Day N

Day N - Notice and Needs

Spiritual Challenge Day N - Notice. Today is about taking the time to notice the little things. I want us to pay attention to the small things our family does that most of the time we don't recognize or notice. For instance, maybe you have two siblings that seem to quarrel constantly, so today you would watch for a time when they are getting along or at least being civil and recognize it. Praise them for that moment of kindness. Perhaps your husband never picks up his socks but today he does, notice it and thank him for it. Or maybe your little one picks you a flower and instead of just saying thanks and going on, hug them and tell them how pretty it is and really thank them for it. There are so many examples I could give but hopefully these few will get you thinking. It's just all about taking the time to notice the little things they do and then acknowledging them. Pray and ask God to open your eyes to all the little things in your life today.

Physical Challenge Day N - Needs. Your physical challenge today is fairly simple. All you are to do is keep a list on your fridge or somewhere else that is easily accessible and everytime you see something you are about to run out of, add it to the list. Yes, you will be making a shopping list. I know some of you are thinking I've lost my mind thinking you need to be told to do this but it may be a new concept to others. So, if you already do this, good job and just make sure your list is up to date. If you aren't used to this, it is pretty simple. You just keep a running list and everytime you realize you are low on something, just write it on your list. If you use the last of something, write it on the list. If you open the last bag or box of something, write it on your list. This will just help you to remember your needs when it is time to go to the store and also save time later when you go to make your list; you won't have to rummage through the cabinets trying to remember what it was you needed. That's it, so go grab a piece of paper, write shopping list across the top and stick it to the fridge.


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