
Monday, October 26, 2015

Ironing, my least favorite chore

Good Monday morning friends!

I hope you are having a great day so far. 

Mondays seem to be a day of catching up and getting back into routine for us. My children are busy working on school, except the oldest. He is already gone to work for the day. 

Today I need to get laundry washed and hung out on the line; gotta get it done today before the rain moves in. 

In addition to that and just regular chores, dinner, etc, I need to get some ironing done. It is one of my least favorite chores, but hubby really prefers his shirts less wrinkly. 😊

So, I'm going to go tackle that first and get it out of the way!

I do have turkey breast thawing for dinner and looked up some ideas for a THM dessert tonight. Hubby really likes berry cobbler, so I'm going to try to THMify one for us.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

Have a blessed day my friends! Feel free to comment and let me know what your least favorite chore is!


  1. It's one of my least favorites as well! Good job getting it done though!!

  2. It's a toss up for me between scrubbing the bath tub & ironing.
    I guess ironing wins, since I hardly ever do it! ;)
    With homeschooling ,farm chores & helping my husband with his auction business, getting the laundry done & put away is a big chore for me! I think sometimes the laundry lives in the dryer for 2 or 3 days! Did I just admit that? lol ;) Just keeping it real. :)

  3. Oh I dislike cleaning the bath tub also! I also understand clothes living in the dryer, happens often here!

  4. I used to really dislike ironing, but now I listen to podcasts (or Dave Ramsey's audio archives) and that helps it seem to go faster! I wish that worked for cleaning the bathroom, but it's usually too noisy with all the scrubbing and the water running!!

  5. I iron in more wrinkles than I iron out. lol.
    My least favorite job is dusting.It seems to always need to be done.
