
Monday, March 24, 2014

Becoming a Superwoman Pt 3

We are continuing our series on becoming a SUPERwoman. Before you tense up from either anger that I would suggest anyone try to be superwoman or from guilt that you aren't doing enough, please keep reading. The kind of superwoman I am talking about isn't the woman who "does it all", I'm talking about being a super woman. 

If you want a further explanation about this series, you can go back to the first post here.

Today's topic is on becoming relaxed and not stressing about the little things.

I tend to get caught up in all my to do's that are waiting to be finished, or the schoolwork that needs entered in the log book, or the laundry piled on my bed, or the floors that need swept, or the.... I could go on for quite awhile but I think you get the idea.

There are always tasks that need to be completed, it is a never ending job for a homemaker. I believe that no matter what stage of life we are in, there are always jobs that can be done - whether it is cleaning, mothering, schooling, sewing, decorating, cooking, etc. There is always something we could be doing.

What does this have to do with being relaxed and not stressing? Don't stress over all that you have to do. Don't let your to do list become so important that you get irritated at your children when they interrupt your work. Our children aren't interruptions to our work, they ARE our work! Our husbands are our work. The neighbors and family members that we witness to are our work. 

Our goal, our finish line, our prize - they are all heavenly rewards. It isn't a clean home. It isn't perfectly behaved children. It isn't the best cooked supper with the best baked dessert. Our goal, our purpose is to walk with God and to glorify Him in all we do. 

Are we glorifying Him when we get stressed or anxious?

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6

This verse tells us not to be anxious about anything! We are to give our concerns, our worries, our stresses over to God and let Him take care of them.

Something else we need to remember as we are learning to relax, is that God made you just the way you are. He knows your quirks, your habits and your weaknesses. He loves you anyway! HE MADE YOU and He does NOT make mistakes. God put us in the circumstances we are in. He didn't put me in a big house like he did some women. He didn't give me 8 children like he did some women. He didn't give me a hugely popular blog that makes money or even the gift of elegant writing as He has for others. It is so easy for us to compare ourselves to others and become discontent. Or worse, while we are comparing, we begin to worry what others think of us. I could worry that my grammar is poor (because grammar school was a long time ago) or I could worry that my yard is normally covered with clutter not beautiful landscaping and what are others going to think? But these thoughts are not of God. We need to remember He has individual plans for each of us and we need to embrace His plan, instead of comparing it to others.

Sisters, we will never be happy if we are constantly comparing ourselves, our husbands, our children, our lives to those of others. It is a trap by Satan to make you discontent. Do not let him in your head. Do not let him steal your joy. 

My dear friend relax. I'll say it again, RELAX. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and tell God thank you for each blessing in your life; name them one by one. Ask Him to show you what is important to Him, to guide you in your walk and to keep your eye on the prize. 

"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

When we are relaxed and we focus on the things of God, it will be easier for us to stay calm when interrupted. It will be easier for us to answer gently. It will be easier for us to respond not react.

When we relax and not stress over the unimportant things, we will become super women. We will be known by our family as a super woman of God and that dear sisters is our goal.


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  1. This was a Fabulous post! It really spoke to my heart today! Especially these lines:

    "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6

    This verse tells us not to be anxious about anything! We are to give our concerns, our worries, our stresses over to God and let Him take care of them.

    Quite often, the topics I blog about are the ones I'm struggling with or working on in my own life. Lately, I've been burdened down with problems, worries, concerns, big decisions, etc. Because of this, I felt like I was always walking around with a heavy heart and I had lost my joy. I also realized that being content with my set of circumstances and challenges is crucial to reclaiming my joy. So, surprise, surprise, I decided to blog about the Joyful wife and the Content Wife! :)

    Thanks for linking up and for directing my attention to your great blog posts!


    1. Oh Elizabeth I hear you loud and clear! I could have written your comment word for word! I am so glad I could encourage you as you have encouraged me.
      Blessings my friend.

  2. I forgot to say that I can relate to your part about comparing ourselves with other women and bloggers. It is so easy for me to look at my pictures and attempts at making graphics, my slightly above average ability at writing, my modest readership and feel that there's no way I can ever measure up to the "great bloggers" out there! While that may be true, like you said so succintly, I'm who God made me to be! I can still share my life story and trust God to share it with those whom He wants to read it! There is so much peace in that! No striving on my part - just resting and doing the best with the talents and abilities He has given me, and trusting Him to grow and perfect them over time as He sees fit!

    1. I absolutely love when God brings women into our lives that understand our feelings and our struggles, those who know first hand. You are one of those women, we have such similar thoughts, struggles and goals in certain areas. You are a blessing to me. I pray we always remember that we are special in God's eyes and He will direct us in His ways, it is up to us just to follow. If He wants us to be one of the "great bloggers" He will make that happen but if all we do is encourage one other woman, then that is enough - we have served our purpose.

    2. Glad I stopped back by to see if you had replied to any of my comments! :) I totally agree with what you are saying! I recently read a great devotional about why we should never seek fame. It holds way too much temptation for the average person!! We should seek to live a simple, humble quiet life. If God chooses to promote us -- we can walk through the doors He opens; with great fear and trepidation, lest we should fall prey to the many temptations that attack someone when they get the least bit of "fame" or "power.".

      After witnessing the fall of so many Christian leaders that I thought were "above" the things they have done, I think this is excellent advice!

      Therefore let him (or her) who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. - 1 Corinthians 10:12

      So glad to find a like-minded friend to share the journey!

  3. I loved reading this inspiring post. Such true and edifying words! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today. I so appreciated your sweet encouragement, and it is such a blessing to meet you. I am your newest follower. God bless you! Love, Cheryl

    1. Thank you Cheryl! I enjoyed reading your blog today. Your posts exude such a sweet spirit, I love it. Thank you for following my blog and I look forward to reading more of your posts and visiting you again as well.

  4. Thank-you for this very encouraging post.

  5. Wow...this is a really encouraging post. Thank you for making my day better :)

  6. Thank you both for stopping by and for your comments! I am so blessed you were encouraged.
    Blessings to both of you!

  7. i have a question, I heard a preacher say that if you take the name of God in vain- you will go to hell. so does this mean i can't get forgiveness?

    1. Sue, I don't believe that. I believe that if you are a child of God and have a truly repentant heart, He will forgive you. Not taking the name of the Lord in vain is one of the ten commandments but I have not seen anywhere that it is any more grievous than any of the other sins, or it is unforgivable. I hope this helps you, thank you for stopping by!

  8. Thank you Rashel for your beautiful and encouraging blog. I read it today for the first time and it has truly been a blessing.

  9. Thank you Kathleen for your sweet words, I truly appreciate it.
