
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Becoming Superwoman #2

Yesterday we talked about becoming a superwoman and put a little different spin on it than the way most people think of a superwoman. If you missed that post, please go here to read it as I'm not going to take time today to explain the details.

We listed many areas we could work on to become a super woman but today we are going to discuss being joyful. 

God has really been convicting me in this area because I struggle with letting circumstances rob me of my joy. I'm not always smiling, laughing or happy. I've noticed my joy often depends on if the house is picked up, laundry is put away or if my children are behaving. If I were to be honest I am probably grumpy more times than I am joyful. This attitude is wrong and goes against scripture.

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

We need to remember that each day is a gift from the Lord and we are to rejoice in it. Yes, we will have seasons of tribulation and trials where we struggle desperately to rejoice in those times. However, in our normal day to day lives, we are to rejoice and be glad. 

Would your children and husband say you are glad each day? 

It is not too late for use dear ones. We can choose today to be joyful. We can choose today to be glad and rejoice in this beautiful day the Lord has given us. Yes, beloved, it is a choice. It is not whether we feel like being joyful, it is whether or not we choose to be joyful. 

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22

I purpose today to be good medicine to my family instead of drying up their bones. 

You might be saying, yeah, this sounds great but HOW do we DO it. 

I have a few suggestions to share but then I would love for you to comment and share how you show joy and be glad each day.

First, we need to repent of our wrong attitudes, then we need to ask God for His help. He loves us and he wants to help us. Cry out to Him and seek His support in this, He is faithful and He will help us to follow His word.

When we feel ourselves getting angry (we usually know in our spirit when our attitude is wrong), we will sing -either to ourselves or aloud - This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it and be glad in it. I bet you sang along just then didn't you? It would be even better if we clapped along, maybe even danced a little. I'm sure that would lighten the mood.

Many of us are searching for ways to naturally keep our families well, eating healthy, using herbs and such. We should look to the scripture, it says a joyful heart is good medicine. It is healthy for us to laugh and enjoy each other. Write Proverbs 17:22 on an index card or scrap of paper and stick it where you will see it several times during the day. Let it serve as a reminder to be joyful, to laugh with your children and bring health to them through a good attitude. 

I know there are many other ways we can be joyful during the day but I will stop here. I REALLY would love to hear your ideas. Please leave a comment here or on my facebook page of how you keep your joy throughout the day.

Blessings my friends, let us purpose this day to rejoice and be glad.



  1. We are definitely on the same page! I could have written this post, don't you think?? :)

    Another way to be joyful is to be thankful! I love the words to the hymn,

    Count your many blessings, count them one by one.
    Count your many blessings, see what God has done!

    Looking for gifts, as Ann Voskamp would say, or counting blessings, is a great way to rejoice and by joyful!

    1. Yes, you definitely could have :) Singing that hymn would be a great reminder when we feel ourselves slipping into discontent!
      Thank you for all your sweet comments today!!
