
Monday, February 3, 2014

Modest Monday

 I haven't participated in the Modest Monday link up in awhile but was inspired to do so this week. To be perfectly honest, I have been wearing more pants than skirts recently but have been convicted about it the last few days. I challenged myself to wear only skirts for seven days, just to remind myself that I actually enjoy them and I can most things just as easily in a skirt. Anyway, I wanted to have a little fun and join the link up today.

 When I asked my daughter to take my picture, she asked if she could join me, so you will get pictures of us both. We decided to take pictures doing our regular chores today, since that is what we are dressed for and it is what we are doing today. So, no fancy poses and no dressy outfits today, just our wear around the house skirts.

Getting some ironing done- fun fun :)

She is getting her kitchen chores done. She is a barefoot girl, only wears shoes when she has to. Not me, my feet get too cold in the winter.

We decided you might want to see our faces. 
I can't give exacts of where are outfits came from because I don't remember. I do know that we get most of our dresses/skirts from Goodwill or garage sales. I rarely ever by new clothes, unless it's a special occasion. I have on a long sleeve tee under my t-shirt because I get cold easily and it is definitely winter here. You can't really see them but I have on brown boots (zip up with fuzzy lining) and I am wearing leggings for warmth. My daughter on the other hand rarely gets cold so she doesn't need the long sleeve.
(Oh yeah, did you notice my hair is put up in this picture? I can't stand it down too long when I'm doing chores, it just seems to get in the way. When it was completely dry, it went up!)

I hope you have enjoyed a look into our modest Monday. I will try to post pictures of my other outfits this week, if I have time.



  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Oddly enough I was on your blog just before...I found you from the link-up from the Modest Mom blog!


  2. that's a pretty cute 'around the house' skirt you're wearing!

  3. Thank you Cassie for stopping by, that is too funny! I found you from a link up too but I think it was from Growing Home then through Taming Rapunzel :)

    Joyce - Thank you, it actually has a couple small rips at some seams, so I just wear it around the house :)


  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment - I absolutely LOVE comments! Especially such sweet ones :)

  5. I enjoyed seeing your skirts too. I am cold natured too. I wear fleece tights under my dresses and it's warmer than jeans.
    My long hair drives me crazy when I'm working. I tell my husband, I feel like a horse with blinders!

    1. That's hilarious but I totally understand! I've found that tights and skirts are warmer than jeans as well. Thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

  6. You all look so lovely and modest! God bless you for sharing!
