
Friday, October 4, 2013

Trim Healthy Mama E-version Giveaway!

I cannot tell you how much I love Trim Healthy Mama!  And I get to give an e-version away!!

 I don't just love the recipes and the food, I love the authors and their compassion, kindness and generosity. I love the facebook group and all of the women that make it such a place of encouragement but also a place to glean wisdom. I am in awe of the women that take time to moderate the facebook group just because they care so much for other women and want them to experience being healthy too. I love it all!

Most of all, I love how healthy Trim Healthy Mama has made me. It isn't just about losing weight, that is just an added bonus! I am becoming healthier than I have ever been and I am enjoying every minute of it!  I never have to go hungry. I never have to fix two meals at dinner time even though my family isn't completely on the plan - it still works. I don't have to skip dessert or drink plain old water all day. Nope, there are FANTASTIC alternatives for both of those.

I was hesitant to purchase the book at first, I've talked about that before so I won't go into it again here. But praise God that He did not let me continue that way. I know this plan is from Him and I know He urged me to get the book. He even provided enough extra money in the budget so that I could. (A garage sale with a friend gave me enough to buy it and not feel like it was hurting the budget.) This plan is just what I had been searching for.

If you are wanting to try Trim Healthy Mama but you haven't been able to buy the book, this giveaway is for you. I wish I could give everyone of you a book, but I can't. I was blessed with this e-version so that I could bless someone else and I am ecstatic that I get to!

If you don't win this giveaway, please come up with some creative ways to get a little extra cash and buy your own book. Maybe there are some things you could sell in a garage sale or online. Maybe you can ask for money for your birthday or Christmas. Be creative, it is worth every penny - and I am a tightwad, so that is saying a lot!

*** RULES***
This giveaway is meant to be a blessing to someone that does not have the book already and it would be a strain on the budget to buy the book themselves. If that is not you, please do not enter. Instead, will you share this giveaway anywhere you can so that more women have a chance to enter? Thank you, I consider that a favor to me.

*If you have trouble leaving a comment, you can email me at or leave me a comment on my facebook page HOWEVER, you still have to enter using the rafflecopter below. Thanks!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Me me me, please please please!! I do not have it, financially my family is strapped, and I am currently about 80 pounds overweight (per my MD). This would be such an incredible blessing. If I don't win it, I promise to be very happy for the lucky person who does. :-)

    1. Thank you for entering! Such a good attitude you have :)

    2. Did I mention that today is my birthday? :-)

  2. I borrowed the book from the library to read, joined the facebook group, and started. I know I need the book to get all the vital info that I skimmed over super fast in order to read that fat book in 5 days!.... I'd be thrilled to win!

    1. Unknown, make sure you entered by the rafflecopter since this doesn't give me your name :)
      *actually, everyone has to use the rafflecopter anyway :)
      Blessings and thank you for entering,

    2. Im trying to cover all the avenues to be entered into this God-send opportunity. I sent a bery personal email too. Thank you, Rashel...for being a blessing. GOD BLESS YOU!!!

  3. My aunt told me about this giveaway. She's been raving about Trim Healthy Mama and wants me to read it, too. She knows I'm on a limited budget as a teacher. =)

  4. I appreciate each one of you ladies for entering this giveaway! I sincerely wish I could give each of you a copy. My heart ached for you as I read some of your stories. There is no way I could choose the winner, so I prayed about it (a lot) and allowed God to decide using rafflecopter. Congratulations to Willie! I pray this is a blessing to you!
