
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Being a good steward while following THM

I've decided to step back a little from following the Trim Healthy Mama Facebook group or even some of the blogs for a little bit, not because I don't like them or they are bad. It's just that I am spending too much time online checking what everyone has posted, scouring for new recipes and such. It is a time waster but also is making me want to go buy all these ingredients just to make a few recipes when I have plenty of food in my own cabinets now.

It is time to eat from our pantry for awhile, however, I am still following THM plan as well. I also realized that a specific menu plan that lists what we are going to eat at each meal on which day does not work for me. I do need some sort of plan but a rigid one is too time consuming to make and then it gets messed up by things that come up during the week. What I have found to work for me is just list out meals that I have ingredients for and then look at it during the day to plan what would work for dinner the next day. I also have breakfast and lunch ideas as well as snacks I have on hand. I keep it on my fridge for easy reference.

Here is my list of meal ideas for the next couple weeks: (I will link recipes when I can, but I just don't have the time this morning)
1. ham and beans
2. red beans and rice
3. chicken and rice
4. eggs, sausage and toast
5. white chili
6. vegetable beef soup
7. spaghetti, salad and garlic bread
8. frittatas
9. chili
10. stir fry on rice
11. Hoppin John
12. Rib steak, veggie, salad
13. T-bone steak, veggie, salad
14. Sticky chicken in the crockpot
15. Sweet and Spicy Stiry fry (in THM book)
16. Shepherds pie (using cauliflower)
17. tomato soup and grilled cheese

1. pancakes/waffles
2. oatmeal
3. eggs/omelets
4. smoothies
5. toast
6. MIM's (muffins in mugs)

boiled eggs
celery and PB
apple and PB
yogurt swirls
tomatoes and laughing cow cheese

Lunches are pretty basic around our house, most of the time we have left overs. Sometimes we do sandwiches, salads, tilapia or the children have ramen noodles.

I also made myself notes on the back of my list of what ingredients/foods I had on had that needed used up. For example I have a few bags of cranberries in the freezer that need used, or garden produce, etc.

While these lists are frugal for me, they may not be for you - it all depends on what you have on hand. I have almost all the needed ingredients for the majority of these dinner ideas. I encourage you to use up what you have instead of worrying about ingredients you don't have and trying to make new recipes all of the time. I'm not saying new recipes aren't good, I love them! I have just gotten too caught up in them lately and wasn't being the best steward with my family's finances. I also had been neglecting some of our family favorites because I was so excited to try so many new things. Moderation is key and I pray each of you finds balance in your journey.


We love grilled cheeses using Joseph's lavish bread!

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  1. I've taken a HUGE step back in the past couple of weeks too, girl. Fist bump. Thanks for linking at Trim Healthy Tuesday!
    ~Stacy @ Stacy Makes Cents

  2. Hi, Rashel, I've been enjoying your blog and especially this post. I'm new to the THM lifestyle and find I, too, spend way, way too much time reading posts and comments on the various THM groups. Reading the book. I don't look too much for recipes as just FB and the book are too overwhelming. I've got to step back a little myself. This is really driving me crazy. Way too much new info! I'm with you. I like to just use the foods my family has always eaten to work the plan. Thanks for this post! Blessings to you.

  3. Thank you for your comment S! I hope you enjoy your THM journey. I still enjoy THM and once in awhile I check the FB page or the forum, but those just got too overwhelming for me and too time consuming. I know they are good resources though.
