
Monday, September 30, 2013

Trim Healthy Eating Diary - Day 3

Saturday started off with me not feeling very well. I felt like I was coming down with a cold and I was even a little nauseous, which meant I wasn't very hungry. So I chose a bullet proof coffee with 1/2 scoop of protein powder and that was breakfast.

Since I wasn't feeling well, I made a batch of singing canary and started sipping away. I drank it all morning and was finished by about 1 or so and felt so much better. I'm telling you, this stuff is WONDERFUL! I love the taste and the benefits!

Can you guess what I had for lunch? Well, if you read yesterday's diary, you probably already know :)
Yep, grilled cheese on Joseph's lavash bread. The picture below shows a whole lavash, but remember to keep your serving of bread to 6 grams of carbs to stay on plan. YUMMO!

Then I had a snack in the afternoon ~ remember all those MIM's I made in my mini loaf pan? I cut the chocolate one in half and topped it with cream cheese frosting and had a cup of coffee with cream and truvia.

We had fellowship/bible study in the evening and I made a big pot of Pearl's chili to take. It is always a hit!

I also made the Pumpkin Dessert from the book and made the cinnamon version of special agent cake from the facebook group. I topped the cinnamon cake with cream cheese frosting. I enjoyed both. The sugar free crowd liked the pumpkin dessert but didn't really care for the cinnamon cake.


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