
Friday, September 27, 2013

Trim Healthy Eating Diary - Day 1

Ok, so I promised I would share a day or two showing what I eat on Trim Healthy Mama and here is the first day.  Now, before I begin I must ask for your forgiveness because for the life of me, I could not remember to take a picture BEFORE I started eating! At breakfast and lunch both I forgot until I had about two bites left. I'm so sorry!

This was breakfast, well, my last two bites anyway. I was fixing french toast for my family using my homemade whole wheat bread and decided I would have an S Helper and fix myself a piece using Ezekiel bread. That is what this was, french toast using Ezekiel brand bread, just one slice. I also had a couple pieces of shaved turkey breast because I was afraid my toast didn't contain enough protein. My drink was Vitamin Water Zero, orange flavored. I had already had my coffee with truvia and cream earlier while having my Bible time.

Yet again, here is my last bite. Dh was off and we had gone to town for errands and we ended up at Wendy's for lunch. I had a double cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce, no bun. I drank water and passed on the fries. They put my burger in this nice little dish for easy eating and they didn't act like it was a big deal at all.

This was my afternoon snack and I finally remembered a before shot! I was craving celery and chose to put Laughing Cow Cheese, garlic and herb, on it. I also wanted a little peanut butter, so two of my pieces I had peanut butter on, the rest were cheese.

Here is our dinner, woo-hoo, another before shot! This is crockpot spaghetti sauce chicken, pg 314 in the book. I added Dreamfield's spaghetti to it and topped it with parmesan cheese. I also had a side of salad, steamed broccoli with butter and fresh tomato slices. Yummy!

One of my friends was concerned how much Dreamfield's she would need to feed her family so I wanted to share my experience. For this meal, I cooked the whole box of spaghetti but probably left out 1/6th of the box so my proportion of sauce to noodles was how we liked it. Even without using the entire box, this made a 9x13 pan, our family of six all ate it- my daughter and I each had a small second helping and my oldest son had about three extra helpings and we still had LEFTOVERS! Now, the leftovers made enough for one person's lunch today, which ds took to work, but that is a lot of food from one box of spaghetti! Don't forget I still have about 1/6th of the noodles that I had taken out and someone else will be able to use for lunch or a snack. I love using Dreamfield's, I just don't do it too often as recommended by Pearl and Serene.

You might notice I only had one snack today but that is because we had a late breakfast, which has been happening frequently lately. I do try not to go more than three hours without eating, unless of course it is nighttime and I am sleeping!

I hope you enjoyed my THM diary day 1. Look for day 2 tomorrow (and I will try to be better about pictures).


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