
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

She Brings Her Food From Afar

I have always loved Proverbs 31:10-31. I love reading it and meditating on the kind of woman I strive to be, being reminded of areas I need to work on but sometimes being encouraged in areas I am growing in as well.  I especially like to read different versions of Proverbs 31 at times and be challenged in a new way of looking at these verses or sometimes just seeing it in a new light. That is what happened this morning.

As I was reading those verses this morning, I was also reading the study notes in my Bible and one especially stood out to me this morning.

"She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar." Proverbs 31:14, KJV


I have read this verse many times but God spoke to me in a whole new way this morning and I absolutely love it when He does that. Here is what my study notes say about this verse:

"She does not literally sail the seas. She goes out of her way to secure fine food for her household." 
ESV Study Bible Notes

As I am eating according to Trim Healthy Mama, I am learning there are foods that are healthy for us and beneficial to this way of eating that aren't necessarily common to us or easily accessible. However, to have the best foods for optimum health, I am willing to search out sources for these foods, even if they have to come from afar - think Azure or Swanson :)  I am to go out of my way - even when it takes time, even when it isn't easy and even when it is new to me.

As a Proverbs 31 virtuous woman, I am to secure fine foods for my family and provide the best I can for them. Following the standard in these verses, I will also search out the best deals for these foods to be a good steward with our finances. 

"She riseth while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens." 
Proverbs 31:15 KJV

Not only am I to be securing the best foods for my family but I am to make time to prepare them for my family. I need to put in the extra effort to plan ahead and have foods ready for my family to eat. This is part of being an excellent wife. 

From Gwen's Nest, Weekly Meal Planning

So as I pondered these things I realized that God is encouraging me in my Trim Healthy lifestyle, He confirmed to me that these are the "fine foods" for my family and sometimes they will "come from afar". It is my calling to take care of my family the best that I can and that includes their health, which starts with their diets. I am so thankful for Trim Healthy Mama and it's biblical approach to foods. I am thankful for the research Pearl and Serene have put into it and for their willingness to share it with others. They have provided me with the knowledge to care for my household in the best way I can, saving me the time of trying to figure it all out on my own. I am also thankful for the many other women on this journey that have been a source of wisdom and encouragement when I needed it. 

Blessings to all you virtuous women,



  1. Well - I'm just flabbergasted. As many times as I have read that - and that NEVER occurred to me. Thanks for the revelation!
    Thank you for linking up at Trim Healthy Tuesday!
    ~Stacy @ Stacy Makes Cents

  2. Same for me until this time! I absolutely love how God uses familiar verses to show us something new.
