Friday, November 18, 2011

Struggling with homeschool, any advice?

Hopefully this post will make some sort of sense, my mind is racing and full of thoughts but I will try to contain them in some kind of understandable fashion for you. I know that I go through cycles and I have good ones and not so good ones. I seem to be in a not so good one right now. I am having those feelings of not doing enough with my children and wondering if they are learning all they need to know, however in the same breath, I remember that God is in control and He will guide them in their directed paths. I am to be a good steward and to teach them the basics, and I'm doing that. I don't know, I guess sometimes I let doubt slip in even when I know I shouldn't. I think the reason I'm struggling right now is because we have been so inconsistent with our schooling. Dh and I went on vacation last week, so not much schooling got done and then this week has been trying to get back into a schedule but it isn't happening. We've had two trips to town for doctor's visits (different days), another day in town for groceries and one day I was just too tired to function. I really do try not to make so many trips, but occasionally we have weeks like this one.  On top of that, it is deer season and ds1 spent two days at my dad's hunting. I think it is good for him to hunt and to spend time with his granddad, but it makes it hard to do school.

I plan to sit down with dh soon and try to figure out some kind of plan for keeping us on track with school. I've been thinking that maybe we need to set some strict rules such as we don't go anywhere Monday-Wednesday no matter what, so we would at least always get 3 days a week in. But then I think, one of the benefits of homeschooling is the flexibility and being able to take advantage of things we wouldn't be able to if they were in school. Maybe I just need to relax and remember that this time is not the normal for us and it's okay if it happens once in awhile. Maybe I just need to relook at my school schedule for the rest of this year and adjust to account for this time we have lost and know that we will get it made up eventually. Or maybe, I need to crack down and be strict in our days and our schedule.  How do you handle these times? Any advice? I would love some!

Thank you for listening and letting me ramble,


  1. I've been there! In fact, I actually put my kids in school a couple of times because I thought maybe they would learn more there. Bad idea-don't do it! No matter what you are doing, they have it better than if they were in public school.

    One thing I will advise, though, is YES try not to go out! Staying home as much as possible has been a lifesaver for us. That's how we get everything done. I save grocery shopping/errands for Saturdays, and take my daughters with me as "girl time". Try to space out doctor/dentist appointments, OR lump them all together in one day and get them done all at once.

    Try not to let these last weeks discourage you! I'm sure you are doing a great job, and remember life is about more than just the academics. I would have counted your son's hunting time as school. God bless!

  2. Sometimes things happen and we can't do anything about it. I think teaching the basic things to our kids is what matters most. Sometimes if we have to go somewhere I make our trip a classroom. Even a trip to the grocery can be a lesson. adding items together and figuring out how much something cost if divided if you buy so many items. Sometimes we go out a do science at night with the stars. I do do book work too. But kids learn alot hands on. My son once help his papaw redo our living room. He had to measure and cut wood. It was a wonderful experince for him. Don't give up. It will all work in the end.

  3. I love how honest you are!! Can I just say..I have been there! I have doubts a lot! I was not homeschooled and my husband was. I know it is what is best for our family. You are right, you are teaching them so much more than ABC's! You can't feel bad that you are "not getting it all done"
    Yes, you may need to tighten the daily routine. But, all in all it will all come together. We all have rough days...or months. Take heart! Stay course! Hope that helps :)
    Carla <><

  4. I'm always in that boat. I'm starting to think that unschooling is my aproach because life is always getting in the way of school. Or maybe even there are just going to be cycles of school and cycles of no school. Maybe that is how it is. When you get it figured out please email me so I can catch on too. Thanks!

  5. For me, nothing used to discourage me more than getting to a point where school got left by the wayside. By school, I mean the books, worksheets, and tests part of things. What I forgot sometimes is that it is just as important to teach them living skills. My children learned to use a calculator on my grocery store days, learned about fractions helping me put together recipes, etc. We get in at least three days of "books, worksheets, etc" but when life shows up and takes over my schedule then I just consider that time an opportunity for teaching "living skills". Thank you for being open enough to write about that homeschool struggles, I appreciated it!

  6. Thank you all so much for sharing with me, encouraging me and letting me know that I am not alone in these struggles. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it! I do feel strengthened by your support and I feel renewed in my belief that God will take care of it and it's ok to have these rough times sometimes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

  7. Rashel,
    I go through times like this...sometimes "life" gets in the way of school schedule. Just remember that school isn't only found in books..learning is in every-day happenings. Your children are learning whether they have a book in their hands or not. Thanks for sharing your struggles. Keep up the good work..and keep looking up! (Titus 2:13)
    Love and prayers,

  8. Life has a way of getting in the middle of "school." I say, listen to the Lord and follow Him. Could be that the time you consider lost was actually fruitful in HIS economy ... or it could be just plain old "lost" and you need to crack down. Go to Him first ... not a schedule!
