Friday, January 21, 2011

Faith Like the Grain of a Mustard Seed

That is what God says we are to have, but my goodness, sometimes that is so hard. I have that kind of faith in God, that part is easy for me. I know He is all knowing, all powerful and He is able to do anything He chooses to do. It's that "chooses to do" part that hangs me up sometimes; I can't say I always know His will. I try, I really do. I have an area in my life right now that is making me revisit this topic. I will vaguely fill you in, I'm just not ready to share specifics yet. There is an area of my life that I have been back and forth on for several years, I thought I had finally reached peace in this area and left it up to God. The week after Christmas, it came right back up to front and center in my life because of some things that had happened. I prayed and gave it back to God after a few days, the next day God leads me to a scripture about the very thing. To make a long story a little shorter, I went through this cycle of being confused and thinking about it, to being at peace about it to the very next day God giving me another verse about the same thing. Yes, three times He gave me a different scripture about this very thing, everytime it was the morning after I had decided to just give it over to Him. Now, I may be thick headed but I'm starting to get the point. God is definitely trying to tell me something through these scriptures, but am I understanding Him correctly? I can't think of anything else it could be, but sometimes I doubt. I don't doubt God's ability or anything about God, I doubt myself that I really know what God is trying to tell me. Well, I've decided to have faith like a mustard seed. I believe what God is telling me and I believe He is faithful to do what He has said. I've been listening to the song "While I'm Waiting" the last few days quite a bit. It reminds me what I am to be doing while I'm waiting and that I am to have faith. You can listen to it on my playlist, it's the last song on there. I choose to listen to God through His word and I choose not to let the devil cause me to doubt. I pray Lord for your strength while I wait, help me Lord to remain faithful in this.

Do you ever have these struggles and doubts?


1 comment:

  1. Don and Shelly, thank you so much for your encouragement and for letting me know I'm not the only one that has those doubts. Thanks again, I really appreciate it.
