Tuesday, February 19, 2008


My grandparents came over this afternoon for a visit and we watched an old family movie from 1988. It was really great to watch it and see some family members that are no longer with us and also just to see how things used to be. My parents divorced in 1999 and our family really hasn't been the same since. You might think that divorce wouldn't be as bad if your children are grown, which I was when my parents divorced, but you are wrong. My mom's side and my dad's side of the family used to be really close. I was so lucky growing up because everything we did around holidays and such included the entire extended family together. I remember sitting on a stool at my grandma's dining room table and watching my parents and grandparents playing cards on the weekends. We had barbecues with the whole family there. We took a wonderful vacation with my grandparents too, not both sets of grandparents but it was still wonderful. We just had a really close, loving family while I was growing up. Don't get me wrong, our family had problems just like everyones does but all of the good times far outweighed the bad. Everyone got along and we were all close. But when my parents divorced, the family split. Not because anyone blamed anyone else or because anyone was mad at anyone else, it just wasn't the same. We don't all get together like we used to, unless it is for a grandchild's birthday and then it is still different. Everyone seems to just be in a hurry to get back to their lives. Nobody just hangs around to visit and be together. My grandma and I talked today about how things are different now and how those times (on the video) were the good times. It just makes me sad that things had to change like they did. I know we grow older and we have children and our own inlaws and extended families but it still amazes me how different things are today. It is sad what a difference a few deaths and divorces can make in a family.

I want to encourage each of you to call those you love that you haven't talked to in awhile. Hug those that you can and tell them you love them because you never know if they will be here tomorrow. Never think for one minute that just because your children are grown, a divorce won't change much. It will!


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