Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Modesty and our little girls

My dear sisters in Christ,
Modesty is an issue that has been heavy on my heart for quite awhile now, I guess because God has convicted me greatly in this area this past year. There is no doubt that God says we as women are to dress modestly. 1 Timothy 2:9 says, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls or costly array;". That is just one scripture, there are more and I will go into those in another post at another time. It saddens my heart to see Christian women that display no regard for modesty at all and it is even worse when they are teaching their daughters to dress in such ways. I found a link that I want to share with you and it might give you a little insight as to why modesty and purity are important issues to discuss with our daughters, especially while they are still young. Here is the story. Please take the time to read this wonderful article and then come back here and let me know what you thought of it.

I will post again about modesty and how I choose to be an example of modesty to those around me, I am just wanted to share this with you for now.



  1. This is an area in my life that is very new to me. I have always been a jeans and t-shirt type of girl and lately I felt that God had layed it on my heart to start being not only more modest, but more feminine. I am doing really well at wearing dresses on a daily basis, but am having issues changing my 2 young daughters over to dresses only, for a couple of reasons...1)They have been given a lot of clothes and most are not dresses and the few that are, I do not consider modest, so it's hard for me to go out and buy them or even make them dresses, when they've got more than enough clothes as it is. And 2)At their ages 5 and 2, I worry they'll have trouble getting around and playing. This is something I'm trying to get past, but as of yet, I have not managed to. I can't wait to hear more of your thoughts on this topic.


  2. Sara,
    I do have some things to say in response to your comment but I will just make a new post so this comment won't be too long. I am proud of you for trying to be more modest and being a good example to your daughters.
